Saturday, May 9, 2009

Well Hello There.

Hello, Blogger community :)

You may know me from
~J*~ - Blogger Extraordinaire, and you may know Nikki from Nikki Skyline. True, that I'm a more consistent blogger than that blonde twit, but it's all good. 'Cause we're besties. Which is really odd, because we've never met, and we're seperated by 800 miles.

Weird, right?

Anyway, you know those like, collaborative blog channels on Youtube, like 5AwesomeGuys/Gays/Girls? Yeah, this is kinda like that sorta. And I was gonna have my other bestie, Penguin, join in the fun, but I... totally forgot to ask her as I was creating an email address and such for this account.

But maybe she'll join in later :D

So yeah. Hello, Bloggers :D


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